Summer Recharge 2023 - A Campaign Funding Dream Vacations image

Summer Recharge 2023 - A Campaign Funding Dream Vacations

Your gift allows: A hike in the forest, a weekend on the Coast, a trip to Monterey Bay...

$12,863 raised

$10,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

California! Here We Come!

This past summer 8 residents were able to enjoy time away from work and the mundane day-to-day, to travel and explore different parts of our wonderous Bay Area and beyond.

Each trip was designed specifically to meet the individual needs and interests of the people we support and each was staffed in such a way that safety and health concerns were addressed.

The folks we serve AND staff had a ball! Every excursion was a recharge and another learning and bonding opportunity for all.
Votes are in.
We want to do it again this summer!

Your gift will go a long way to make some dream vacation ideas come true!